Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Now available: GD-CMS version 2

We've just put out a new version of our ultra-lightweight web content management system.

Version 1 of GD-CMS was conspicuous for the lack of any kind of access through a web-based management interface, and version 2 is no different in this regard: you tweak your website by creating and editing files directly on your web host's server. (Your hosting provider already provides you with authorised file access to your webspace, so why reinvent the wheel?)

Here are the new features you get:

  • The ability to have custom error pages, and even different error messages in different site categories
  • Auth flags: The ability to set flags in order to control access to specific content, or provide alternative content under particular circumstances, such as for a mobile edition of your website, or when your site goes down for maintenance.
  • Cascading templates: These give you the ability to override almost anything about your website (menu layout, title formatting, anything...), but only within a particular subcategory and its descendants. This allows you to have 'microsites' with unique layouts within the same content tree, themed page categories, you name it.
It's still completely free. It's grown to 15KB and could do with some optimisation, but as far as we're concerned, it's still the bloat-free web content manager. If you're developing a website, be sure to try it out.

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